
Thank´s a lot for your booking on Tucan Amazon Lodge

Card, Apple Pay or Google Pay via Stripe

Fill in the amount in accordance with your email confirmation, and click on the blue ‘Pay Now’ button below.

PIX or Brazilian bank transfer

PIX CODE – CPF: 785.750.872-15
NAME: Elzimara Eldnelza da Silva Lopes


If you are in Brazil you can pay to this account: 

Titular: Elzimara Eldnelza da Silva Lopes
CPF: 785.750.872-15
Nome do banco: Nubank
Código do Banco: 237
Agencia: 0001
Conta: 94253407-9

Payment and cancelling

Cancellation policy:
– Cancellation more than 30 days before arrival – 90% refund
– Cancellation from 30 to 5 days before arrival – 50% refund
– Cancellation less than 5 days before arrival – No refund
We do not refund Stripe, PayPal or other transfer fees.

Check with your travel insurance if cancellation gives you any rights.